
9:34 PM, Altadena, CA.  I think that our perceptions can be altered when we can’t see everything.  Here, the man’s feet and a brief caption are revealed but what this really looked like was a voting booth.  In a voting booth, you feel a sense of privacy behind the curtains with just your feet exposed.  In reality, there’s no true privacy anymore if you really think about it. Especially anything done online.   Peeping Toms, make hay while you can.

9:34 PM, Altadena, CA. I think that our perceptions can be altered when we can’t see everything. Here, the man’s feet and a brief caption are revealed but what this really looked like was a voting booth. In a voting booth, you feel a sense of privacy behind the curtains with just your feet exposed. In reality, there’s no true privacy anymore if you really think about it. Especially anything done online. Peeping Toms, make hay while you can.

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